Q & A highlights

Q1. Many companies are coming up with app based activities but in reality results do not match with the efforts in execution. Any insight on this?

A. Absolutely correct. Data shows 95% of healthcare apps created by Pharma companies fail. Over 90% are uninstalled in the first month itself by doctors. Reasons are:

  • Perceived (and often correct) bias on commercial / marketing focus of the company with efforts only there versus academics.
  • Not enough material to engage the doctors daily
  • No stickiness
  • Shortcuts like KOLs or big names on a panel aren’t content driven or sustainable.
  • No end-to-end thinking or cosmos effort by the app creator / company for doctors. It’s more about what they want to push against what doctors really want to know or will appreciate or will find clinical value in. Isn’t that why today’s topic was chosen?😎

Q2. How can we increase engagement of doctors in digital as they are less interested, major in number.

A. Think quality too 🤘
In the race for numbers, you are missing the journey of your digital experience with the HCPs. Think of it as a new universe with different norms which are more logical and trackable on multiple levels, instead of simply trying to replicate your offline world dynamic and understanding.

Q3. How much is digital marketing effective then physical approach?

Effective – absolutely.
Efficient – again, yes!
What is an effective approach? Let’s make it simple – That your brand message reaches your target in an unadulterated manner. We know how a medical rep may not always manage to do that best.
And the scale of your messaging will go down in physical meetings if you were to go city to city for events and do it yourself! The answer is obvious.
And another dimension to effectiveness – do you get doctor insight? Or competition insight from physical events or your sales force? No. But we in Docplexus also work on advanced analytics – you know what your doctors like / dislike, why, what they think of you versus competition, what’s their reason to choose you versus others, which specialties are you missing out on, what you need to change and so on.

Q4. In the context of Digital Gap, what changes do L&D need to adopt to fill the skill gap? And How can L&D align them with Business Objectives?

A. Adopted engagement tactics are simply a digital expansion of what was there before.
Learning & development has been concentrated on virtual meetings and eDetails with limited success/ROI. The need is to actually understand concepts like hyper-personalization, AI-based content feeds, subtle balance of obtrusive marketing and science-based content marketing. The effort is humongous, so to start with a partner or collaborate with someone who has already done it.

Q. 5 What unique things you did that resulted in 20% growth in sales.

A: 1-We segmented the TA on the basis of their current belief/ specialities w.r.t the molecule in focus and had targeted messaging for those cohorts.
2-Mindset analysis to identify their knowledge perception that helped in designing a targeted communication plan Hyper-personalization is what we did.

Engaged Attendees

3 Leading
Industry Experts

3 Hot Topics on Digital Healthcare Marketing

what doctors want and what healthcare companies
Docplexus MasterTalks

Who should watch?

  • Brand Managers
  • Marketing Managers
  • BU Heads
  • Digital Marketing Managers
  • Marketing Head
  • Product Managers
  • Head of Analytics & Consumer Insights
  • Group Product Managers
  • Medical Affairs Personnel

Three reasons to watch this Master Talk

  • Right ways to implement digital in your brand plan.
  • Complimenting or supplementing your field force with a medico-marketing strategy.
  • Best practices for digital HCP engagement and outreach.

Expert Panel

Priyanka Kumari

Moderator of the Event
Marketing Manager, Docplexus.

Ms. Priyanka has over 8 years of experience in Healthcare Sales & Marketing, focused on developing community, advocates and customers in the pharmaceutical & medical device industry. Believes in Technology, Science and data-driven marketing processes and strategies.

Dr. Karthik Anantharaman

Experienced Pharma & Medtech Professional

Dr. Karthik has over 20+ years of experience working in top healthcare MNC for various managerial roles. He holds a degree in Internal Medicine & Surgery and a super specialization in MBA - GELP from Yale University, USA.

Salil S. Kallianpur

Digital Brand Coach | Professor | Pharma Industry Observer

Mr. Salil has 27 years of commercial experience across India, Emerging Markets and Europe. He is a valued thought leader, a sector expert on business TV channels and a visiting faculty at NMIMS.

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