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FOGSI Names Docplexus As Knowledge Partner

By 31 January 2017July 9th, 2023No Comments

Docplexus, India’s largest and fastest-growing community of doctors, has been selected as Knowledge Partner by The Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI).

FOGSI is a professional body representing Indian obstetrics and gynecologists. It enjoys a membership of 223 societies and over 29,000 individuals across the country. FOGSI’s vision is ‘to be the lead organization working towards advocating and promoting women’s health and reproductive rights using scientific evidence and following the highest ethical standards through its membership of committed professionals.’ To fulfill the same it holds annual conferences like the All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynecology (AICOG) and several other academic activities.

As a Knowledge Partner, Docplexus will post articles and updates related to all FOGSI events and conferences on a dedicated information page on the platform. It will also host a library featuring webinars from leading OB/GYN experts. This would allow its members to access all the medical insights shared during these events long after the events are over. It will also benefit those doctors who were unable to attend the events.

Speaking on the partnership, newly-elected FOGSI President Dr. Rishma Pai said,

Dr. Rishma Pai Quote Pic size 124 by 132Having recognized that this is the digital age, FOGSI is collaborating with Docplexus which believes in empowering doctors by providing them with knowledge at their fingertips. Docplexus’ vision is in line with FOGSI’s mission to disseminate knowledge and education amongst doctors. We hope this relationship between FOGSI and Docplexus will be very meaningful and fruitful.

Docplexus’ Previous and Future Collaborations

In 2016, Docplexus successfully collaborated with FOGSI-FIGO for their conference on ‘Best Practices, Breakthroughs and Dilemmas in OBGYN’, where it provided audio-visual coverage of the different events at the conference and hosted the same on its platform. In the same year, it was also nominated as media & digital partner for the International Cancer Conference and the World Trauma Congress.

For 2017, Docplexus is partnering with all major medical events like the MEDSICON, the IPHACON and the International Diabetes Summit. It has also been chosen by the Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) Platinum Jubilee Conference to bring the views of KOLs to TMC’s doctors.

Docplexus’ digital expertise renders it the most suitable partner for such events. Its services fulfill the needs of both entities – the medical bodies and the doctor community. Through such partnerships, Docplexus reinforces its vision of ‘empowering doctors’ in order to improve millions of patient outcomes every year.

About Dr. Rishma Pai (M.D., D.N.B., D.G.O., F.C.P.S., F.I.C.O.G.)

Dr. Rishma Pai is a consultant Gynecologist at the Jaslok and Lilavati Hospitals, two of the best-known hospitals in Mumbai. She has done her MBBS and MD from the KEM Hospital and GS Medical College Mumbai, respectively. Dr. Pai is one of the pioneers in Uterine Balloon Ablation Therapy, for the treatment of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding in India. She has written chapters in many books and journals and has been a guest speaker at several national and international conferences. Dr. Pai was elected as FOGSI President 2017-18, at the All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2017.

Listen to Dr. Pai’s views on the Docplexus-FOGSI partnership:

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