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Doctors’ Views On Organ Donation Crisis In India – Docplexus Study

By 13 August 2018May 19th, 2022No Comments

India stands far below in the list when it comes to organ transplant rate. Only one person out of every million people donates his organs, while in smaller nations like Spain and Belgium, nearly 40 people out of a million volunteer for organ donation.
It was in 1994, that India created history by succeeding in organ transplantation. But 25 years from then, we are still far behind from achieving at least 30% organ transplant rate. Shockingly, this unwillingness of people to donate organs results in the death of 5 lakh people.
This World Organ Donation Day, Docplexus, global online community of doctors, and a proud stakeholder of healthcare in India, brings to you a survey that sheds light on the hurdles to improving organ transplant rates and the possible solutions to overcome them.
Survey Details
Aim: To identify from doctors the hurdles to achieve healthy organ transplant rates and the possible solutions to overcome them.
Survey Methodology: Nation-wide online poll on Docplexus users.
Sample Size: The survey was sent to 34,600 doctors and 363 physicians who are transplant surgeons, cardiologists, nephrologists, paediatricians, hepatologists and ophthalmologists responded with their opinions.
Key Findings:
InsightsInfographic-OrganDonationCrisis-V1.0 - without HF (1)
(Download Full Survey Report)
Key Takeaways
Lack of Awareness- A large population in the country is still wary about organ donation. Doctors feel sensitizing the people through social awareness campaigns and patient counseling could help.
Shortage of Transplant Surgeons- India does not have 50% transplant surgeons of the requirement. Introducing postgraduate courses could prove to be a motivating factor for doctors to pursue transplant surgery as a specialization.
Poor Public Infrastructure- Many states in India are yet to witness their first organ transplant procedure. State and Central governments should set up organ transplant programs with the help of eminent doctors.
Absence of Regulatory Bodies- While there is a national level body to govern organ donation and transplant regulations, it is important to have state and regional level bodies to ensure a hassle-free process.
Efficient Transport System- Transporting organs on time is a key issue. Governments should ensure all facilities are in place to set up green corridors and air travel to transport the organs on time.
Organ Transplantation Unaffordable- The high cost of organ transplant procedure is major deterrent for the poor. Doctors recommend that organ transplant should be covered under public insurance.
(Download Full Survey Report)

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