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Digital Healthcare Marketing

How To Be Successful With KOL Webinar

By 5 July 2016October 3rd, 2022No Comments
webinar success KOL

Docplexus recently conducted a webinar on “Pregestational Diabetes – An Endocrinologist’s View”, delivered by Dr. A.G. Unnikrishnan, CEO Chellaram Diabetes Institute, Pune. The webinar was live-casted on July 2, 2016 at 4 PM. The webinar was very successful.
The webinar was accessed live by over 1900 doctors from over 240 cities and towns across India. It was received very well which is reflected as over 80 discussions and comments initiated by doctors on various clinical topics related to pregestational diabetes. Since we last checked, the webinar was appreciated by 96 doctors. On an average, doctors stayed tune to webinar for at least 26 minutes.
webinar success
Short web-based clinical seminars or simply “webinars” are gaining a big traction in the last couple of years. Improved internet connectivity, faster streaming speeds and better streaming quality has enabled this trend to take the front seat even in India. Webinars have been in used for Education industry for a considerable time now. However, there use for marketing activities has only begun. Compared to traditional pharma marketing approaches, webinars are faster and more effective mode to reach out to even remotely located audiences. We found that our webinar too was successful in reaching out to doctors in the corners of India.
webinar reach india
According to leading industry marketeers, webinars are one of the top 5 models to engage with prospective clients and other stakeholders. Digital interface has become this age’s senses and thus interactions through screens are very impactful.

Interacting with hundreds of doctors through webinar on Docplexus was a great experience. Many colleagues personally thanked me for sharing the insights on Pregestational Diabetes. We connected much better and benefited mutually. Team Docplexus provided a great support and seamless experience. – Dr. Unnikrishnan

For Pharma, clinical webinars are one of the best marketing options as it encourages real-time exchange of ideas, treatment insights through an interactive communication channel. In addition, clinical webinars have been proved as the most effective tool for knowledge generation and transfer in the healthcare sector, as it is also able to provide suitable real-time solutions which can save patients. It is also a great opportunity for the providers and conveners to build, develop and establish their practice and brands.
However, the question still remains unanswered whether Pharma has an opportunity to market their products and services through webinars? How much pharma can benefit from webinars?
The answers to both these questions are very promising.
How Pharma Can Benefit from Webinars?
Majority of Pharma marketeers have recognized that there is a need to go beyond banner and flyer advertisements and positively reinvent Pharma’s identity. To do so, Pharma needs to widen its vision and gain insights from Doctors community. Webinars offer best solution to pharma’s problems of gaining real-time insights. Webinars are best because:

  • Offer best real-time exchange of queries from doctors: Through the webinars, Pharma can understand pertinent questions of the doctors in a real-time. Doctors tend to ask questions during webinars which pharma can analyze and effectively target them with the best solution that will solve doctors’ problems.
  • Identify clinical dilemmas and address them immediately: Through webinars, Pharma can understand major clinical dilemmas from the specialties they want to market their products to. If Pharma companies already have identified the solutions, they can be delivered to a large audience through KOLs convening webinars.
  • Recognition as a Knowledge Partner: Leading market experts have identified that Pharma is still highly dependent on ‘banner and flyer’ marketing. Instead, experts have recommended that Pharma needs to build and a relationship with doctors. The relationship with doctors as a knowledge partner is the excellent opportunity for Pharma to project its good values.

pharma webinars benefits
How Pharma Should Engage in Webinars?
Pharma already has a lot of clinical insights and resources to conduct webinars on a huge range of topics. What it needs is a comprehensive strategy. The strategy should incorporate following points:

  • Identify key therapeutic areas and novel treatments: Pharma should identify key therapeutic areas where a majority of the practitioners are facing practical problems. In addition, pharma should also identify any new discovery or solution they can offer to address the problems of practicing doctors.
  • Address the questions of physician fraternity by recognized KOL: Identify KOLs in target specialties to present pertinent topics in that specialty. Doctors are inclined to learn from recognized peers in their community. Moreover, eminent KOLs can help resolve the dilemmas and address the questions right away, thus enabling other doctors for better patient care.
  • Provide additional resources to doctors: In addition to live streaming, Pharma should provide additional resources in the form of presentations or videos which can help the audience to better equip themselves with clinical knowledge. Pharma can also promote their proprietary insights which can in turn change the prescription behavior of doctors.

How can Docplexus help Pharma in Webinars?
This is how we can help:

  • Create best content for webinars: The content of the webinar is the most important aspect. Content attracts, drives and engages with doctors to encourage a fruitful exchange of knowledge. At Docplexus, we have developed a skill to identify key concern areas of doctors. We can help pharma to create best content with leading KOLs to make webinar a success.
  • Provide Technical Support and Seamless experience: Through our experience, we have learned when and how webinars should be delivered. We will be glad to provide the end to end solution where we can video-shoot and deliver the webinars in all corners of India in best quality and uninterrupted quality.
  • Reach to over 1,50,000 Doctors in India: At Docplexus, we routinely engage with over 1,50,000 doctors Pan-India. We can help Pharma to reach over to these doctors by identifying, registering and delivering the webinars. As sometimes watching live webinars may not be possible for doctors, we also provided an archived version of these webinars to the doctors.

With more than 1,50,000+ doctors as members, Docplexus is India’s largest and fastest growing online platform of doctors practicing modern medicine. Docplexus empowers Indian doctors to make a better clinical decision, connect and network with peers and build their online reputation. Docplexus focuses on peer-to-peer exchange of patient cases, dialogue and interdisciplinary learning to improve medical outcomes. It is a trusted and secure platform accessible to verified Allopathic doctors only and offers knowledge centres, treatment guidelines, certified educational resources and latest medical news.


Some key numbers
  • 150000+ doctors across 85 specialities and 1500 cities
  • 12000 doctors log on website daily
  • 10000 clinical cases already discussed
How we help pharma companies

At Docplexus, We ensure that all our clients get the services that make them highly effective in engaging with doctors. We provide all the knowledge, expertise and tools for making pharma companies successful in delivering your message and broadening your horizon by increasing engagement with the doctors. Docplexus is your digital Partner to engage with Indian doctors.
Contact Us – To know How we can assist in Engaging with Doctors through Interactive Webinars, contact Aditya Kharkar on / +91 98676 56347 and we will be happy to assist you.

Team Docplexus

Author Team Docplexus

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