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Case Study: World Diabetes Day 2019 Campaign

By 23 December 2019September 28th, 2022No Comments

Special days related to healthcare present a unique opportunity to plan creative digital campaigns to engage doctors. This World Diabetes Day (WDD), Docplexus reached over 2,439 doctors and helped them spread awareness about diabetes among their patients.

Docplexus World Diabetes Day(Case study) YouTube view

Brand Introduction: Docplexus is a robust and active community of 350,000+ doctors from 97 specialties, spanning over 1,500 towns and cities. It is an online portal that enables one-third Indian and several global doctors to connect, communicate, and exchange medical information and learnings, ultimately improving healthcare outcomes for all.

Docplexus Platform

Docplexus Homepage World diabetes Day(Case study)

Docplexus World Diabetes Day 2019 Campaign

How we came up with the idea for campaign:

Diabetes is approaching epidemic proportions worldwide. In India alone, over 72 million diabetic cases have been registered as of October 2019. The major reasons for high incidence are the lack of awareness of pre-diabetic signs and asymptomatic nature of the disease. In a recent survey conducted by us, over 95% endocrinologists and diabetologists noted that educating patients about the misconceptions could lower disease prevalence (Read the full report: SURVEY REPORT: DOCTORS’ OPINION ON ROLE OF PATIENT & FAMILY EDUCATION IN DIABETES MANAGEMENT) Hence, we decided to design the campaign around raising awareness about patient education among the medical practitioners. This was also closely aligned to the 2019 theme of WDD – Family and Diabetes.

Campaign Goal: To leverage World Diabetes Day to engage Doctors around raising patient awareness about Diabetes.

Initial Brainstorming: 

Our Content, Community, and Digital Marketing teams joined forces and held brainstorming sessions over a span of 2 days, their first discussion took place 9 days prior to WDD. They decided to create a video on pivotal tips to control and combat diabetes to be shared with patients. The video would also solicit inputs from doctors.

Reasoning & Conceptualizing 

Docplexus Team World Diabetes Day

After assembling for a final session, the three teams called in the media team for the video brief.

Why Video?

Past analyses on the community told us that audiovisual communication is the best and most effective way to hook busy physicians.

Video Planning and Execution: For the video, the teams narrowed down on two concepts. The first concept included obtaining snippets of individual doctors sharing tips and valuable insights on the Diabetes endemic and to have the individual clips seamlessly stitched into an interesting video. Our community team pulled out all the stops in requesting video clips from Doctors. But we did not receive as many snippets as expected.

We then decided to go ahead with the 2nd concept.

Concept 2: Our media team crafted a captivating motion-graphics representation that presented 5 pivotal tips to control and combat diabetes. The video was narrated effortlessly by our recently discovered in-house talent who added a complementing voice-over in the background.

Animator caught in action while designing the video

Animator Docplexus World Diabetes Day

Hashtag Call: Considering the fact that diabetes is a tricky disease where many patients are unaware of their condition until it strikes them down, our content team coined the hashtag – #TrickYourDiabetes! Accordingly, we decided to end the video with a CTA (Call-To-Action) – “What Advice Would You Give To Your Patients For Tricking Diabetes?”  

Patient Education Kit: Helping Doctors Help Patients

Since our survey also revealed that 98% of doctors wished to receive a patient education kit to counsel their patients, we decided to offer a downloadable Patient Education Kit – a thoughtful resource that Doctors could hand out to the patients during the consultation or display it in their clinics.

To Download the Patient Education Kit that we shared with Doctors CLICK HERE

Campaigning: We published the video on our platform on the 13th morning and our digital marketing team shared it across via email in the evening of the same day and followed it up with another email campaign the next morning. They also aggressively pushed the video forward on Facebook and LinkedIn to ensure that it reaches all of our target audience.

Emailer of  the Video Campaign
Docplexus Email Campaign - World diabetes Day(Case study)

Key Outcomes: Docplexus platform was utilized perfectly to raise awareness about patient & family education on Diabetes. Our video reached over 2,439 doctors and was viewed by 1,533 doctors. One of the objectives was to encourage more and more doctors to share helpful tips for patients battling diabetes.  The question at the end of the video did the job and in no time, our comment section was flooded with tips from healthcare practitioners.

Doctors’ tips on the video

Docpelxus World Diabetes Day Comment Section211 doctors commented on the video, appreciating and thanking us for the initiative. Topping it off, close to 180 doctors downloaded the patient education kit.

To Download The Patient Education Kit that we shared with Doctors CLICK HERE

Watch our Diabetes Day Campaign Video

If you think Special Campaigns on Docplexus interest you, contact – Nikesh Dhundhe: / +91 98602 38881

To see the case study of our World Heart Day Campaign, Click Here

To see the case study of our Diwali Campaign, Click Here


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