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Docplexus Survey Offers Key Insights For Fight Against TB

By 24 March 2018May 19th, 2022No Comments

India is one of the seven nations that bears 65% of world’s tuberculosis cases. Despite being a fast-developing nation, India loses 4.5 lakh people to this deadly disease every year. And nearly 7 times of this population is found infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis at any given time. There are multiple challenges that doctors face while treating TB patients. Docplexus conducted a survey on its members to find out what are these challenges and what could be the solutions to them.

These are the key findings of the survey

Infographics-World TB Day-V9-01

To Download the Full Survey Report Click Here

To make India a TB-free nation, one needs to understand the problems surrounding the disease today. With a mission to be a part of this achievement, Docplexus conducted a survey on the members of its community. Issues like inaccessibility to healthcare, under-nutrition, delayed diagnosis and multi-drug resistant TB have been discussed in this survey. Government of India’s new initiative to improve nutritional status among TB patients has also talked about. The survey’s biggest finding – doctors feel that lack of compliance to the treatment by the patients is the foremost challenge. They say that constant monitoring by primary healthcare workers could be the solution.

Docplexus, India’s largest online community of doctors, has always considered itself as one of the responsible stakeholders of healthcare in the country. To help achieve this goal, the organization constantly works towards empowering doctors. And, a step towards this direction is our latest partnership with Maharashtra State TB Cell.

The collaboration focuses on implementing Revised National Tuberculosis Control Partnership as per Government of India’s National Strategic Plan 2017-2025 and dissemination of its critical information to relevant stakeholders- healthcare professionals. Program includes initiatives like prompt diagnosis, free and complete treatment services, preventive medicine and other medico-social support.

To Download the Full Survey Report Click Here

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