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Doctors Today Prefer Short, Summarised Clinical Takeaways

By 25 August 2016No Comments
ETHealthworld doctors

Phanish ChandraOur ultimate vision is to empower each and every doctor of India so that they learn something new every day and treat their patient well that will ultimately lead to 100 million improved patient outcomes every year.
 Mr. Phanish Chandra, CEO, and Co-Founder, Docplexus.

ETHealthworld captured Docplexus’s journey and growth story in its recent “Industry” insights section featured on its front page.
Almost every day 10 to 12 thousand doctors log on Docplexus to learn medicine and manage their clinical practice well. Each doctor on an average comes in contact of 25 patients per day. Therefore Docplexus helps create better patient outcomes for 2,50,000 patients on daily basis. Improving patient outcomes by empowering Indian doctors has been Docplexus’s vision since its inception in January, 2014. Connecting every doctor in India is a major challenge and Docplexus has taken it head-on. There is need to connect doctors who practice in Tier II and III cities and smaller towns to the experts who practice in big cities. Through Docplexus’s various initiatives, doctors can engage in learning which is interactive and fun.
ETHealthworld also highlighted Docplexus’s efforts in setting a great trend in networking in the medical domain. The need of professional networking of Doctors for improving their clinical decision making is a critical. ETHealthworld’s coverage on Docplexus’s is  the appreciation of Docplexus’s efforts to take all the stakeholders from healthcare sector on-board for improving healthcare sector in India.
Unlike other platforms, at Docplexus exclusively focuses on discussions related to medicine and health policy decisions. Our members are inclined to avoid casual discussions, discussions that are never going to help others to empower other doctors.
Secondly, with Docplexus’s strict registration process,  doctors from only Allopathy or Modern Medicine can join the Docplexus. Cross-pathy is a big problem for both doctors and patients, and at any cost Docplexus will avoid that. In this aspect, we are far ahead from other similar venues.
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