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Docplexus is Now 1,75,000+ Members Strong

By 9 February 2017No Comments

Docplexus was founded in 2014 to empower doctors for improved medical outcomes. In a short span of time, it has become a force to reckon with in the emergent healthtech space. Docplexus uses technology to bring practitioners of modern medicine together on an exclusive online networking platform. This facilitates clinical discussions and knowledge-share. Using this platform, members can stay abreast of latest advances and medico-legal news. They can also upgrade themselves with online CME courses.
Mr. Phanish Chandra, CEO and Co-founder of Docplexus notes,

Phanish ChandraIt is deeply satisfying to see Docplexus as an enabler of reforms in the Indian healthcare delivery system. We believe that technology has the power to address the many problems grappling our healthcare sector. Our strength lies in our ability to create a completely secure online space that caters exclusively to medical professionals.

Owing to the great value on offer, Docplexus is highly preferred by leading medical bodies for bringing their events’ coverages to a broad audience of physicians. The company has been chosen as Knowledge Partner for all major medical events of 2017, like the MEDSICON, the IPHACON and the International Diabetes Summit. It is confident of crossing a user-base of 2,00,000 by March 2017.
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