What’s common among the big corporate giants like Nike, Kiehl’s and Ducati?
They create hyper-personalized content and tap the collective intelligence of their community, to reap the fruits of robust commerce.
Cue for Healthcare Brands?
Lets consider the following trends:
– Differentiation between healthcare products is becoming miniscule.
– Cutting-edge platforms like Docplexus is changing the way clinical content is being consumed by HCPs.
– Government scrutiny is penetrating deeper into the marketing practices,
The Content-Community-Commerce model is a sustainable way for Healthcare brands, to suffice the above-mentioned trends and achieve the desired digital outreach.
The need for doctors to have a scientific dialogue within a secure and unbiased ecosystem multiplies the significance of the CCC model.
Communication of the Right Kind – Personalized and Informative – is Paramount.
It is time to embrace customized content strategies, based on AI-driven HCP targeting and sentiment analysis.
Having to deal with their extremely busy schedules, most doctors prefer online platforms like Docplexus for staying updated, limiting face-time meetings with your field force. Relying on personalized email campaigns is a smart move in this scenario, as they have the most organic pull, bringing HCPs to your branded microsites. It helps you gain trust and build credibility with those who matter the most – the prescribers.
It is crucial for you to not just fixate on the molecule but to aim for overall partnership and support – Know the pain points of HCPs, and offer customized and clinically-verified information via webinars, medical e-Courses, research snapshots, evidence-based articles, etc.
If doctors are struggling with practice management, help! Almost every physician wants to cover CME requirements. If you can meet this demand, you must. If you have a brand philosophy or guidelines, share! What about CSR and philanthropic work? Do you do it? Express about it.
To propel the impact of your content, you need to understand the professional goals of HCPs (whether they are relationship seekers, knowledge seekers, or they are simply interested in commercial transactions), and target them accordingly. Create unbiased, educative content and keep the communication two-way. Whether it’s about new treatment protocols, drug efficacy, or clinical studies – Initiate a dialogue.
And, Keep Your Messaging Uniform!
The communication of your sales executives should perfectly align with your online content. That’s the thumb rule. If HCPs reach out to your microsite on Docplexus, they should be able to recall the e-detailing session they had with your sales executives. That’s how you can create that experiential journey for them – By making your content uniform across different digital channels.
Where is Your Community?
There is an innate sense of belonging in humans – To belong to a group of like-minded people facing similar challenges and concerns.
Why, you may ask? Wouldn’t we rather believe in solutions, ideas and discussions coming from someone from our own community than elsewhere? We need an assurance that what is being said is not out of pure lust for profits. Gone are the days when lonely planet was sufficient for travel information. We’d now also check out Trivago for a fellow traveler’s account to acquire realistic information.
If the right people are not listening, you are wasting your precious time and money. It is wiser to turn to communities for such discourse.
Most physicians find proprietary pharmaceutical resources for information biased, similar to their perception of pharmaceutical professionals. They have therefore moved towards doctor-only online platforms like Docplexus. Most of these have strict rules of content moderation but the rules are worth the last buck.
Docplexus, for instance, discourages advertorial tonality, also fact-checks content to be published, down to the T. Thanks to content neutrality and the possibility of interdisciplinary knowledge-sharing, we are not just a community of 3,80,000+ HCPs, but also a trusted source of ethical marketing for our Healthcare Industry partners.
So, you see it is all pretty basic. As for Commerce, it is a direct and natural outcome once content and community are checked in the list. It is almost always inbound and sustainable. At Docplexus, doctors engage with clinical content, provide feedback and insights that prove valuable for strategizing the brand’s commercial success.
To sum up, the Content-Community-Commerce model is pivotal to attain marketing excellence in Pharma. As Dan Reich puts it in his Forbes article, “Content for inspiration and information; Community for social validation and recommendations; and Commerce for making the purchase.” The question is, Is Healthcare Industry ready to take the plunge?