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Case Study: Docplexus World Heart Day Campaign

By 26 November 2018March 28th, 2023No Comments
How Docplexus World Heart Day Campaign reached over 68,710 doctors and triggered discussions on caring for their hearts?

Product Introduction

Health days are excellent opportunities for pharma marketers to engage with healthcare stakeholders. Docplexus, a global online community of doctors, leverages key health days to build engagement among its members.

One such initiative was the #WorldHeartDay Campaign that reached 68,710 physicians in our community.

Heart Day 1

Brand Introduction

A global online community of 380,000+ doctors from 1,600 towns and cities in 99 specialties, we are a platform that facilitates peer to peer exchange of knowledge, discussions and learning, thus helping improve the overall healthcare outcome. Docplexus is an information and networking portal of choice for nearly one-third Indian and several global doctors, lending them a sense of belonging and adding value to their professional lives.


Summary – Docplexus #WorldHeartDay Campaign

Docplexus came out with an out-of-the-box idea to engage doctors. Usually, doctors tell patients about measures to keep their heart healthy. We decided to make doctors aware of taking care of their own hearts. We asked physicians their mantra for a #healthyheart.

The Theme of the Campaign was – “If your heart is healthy, then the nation will be healthy.

• We reached out to our community and asked them to share their secret behind having a #healthyheart.

• Video messages of 10 doctors including the President of Cardiological Society of India Dr. Sarat Chandra were selected for the 10-day-long campaign.

• A compilation of all the videos was published on #WorldHeartDay on Docplexus portal. The campaign’s message was shared through our weekly news.

• A short video documentary capturing Stethoscope’s agony as an important tool of diagnosis but not a cure was also shared on our portal.

Problem Statement/Objective

To leverage #WorldHeartDay in a unique and innovative way for engaging doctors.


Urge the community to share a heartfelt message for fellow doctors to keep their heart healthy and acknowledge their untiring service to humanity. Share these videos with the community through various online channels and create engagement around the content.


       • With too many submissions from the community, it was difficult to choose 10 videos.

       • Getting the animations right during post-production took longer than expected.


Kick-off early

Team Docplexus had started brainstorming more than a month before September 29 – #WorldHeartDay.

After a couple of initial discussions, a team of more than 15 people comprising experts in digital marketing, videography, video editing, marketing, community management and content development chalked out the entire plan for the 10-day-long campaign.

Team Docplexus brainstormed for 2 days to arrive at the entire plan for the 10-day-long campaign


Pitching the idea to doctors

Once the plan was ready, our Community team spread the word about the interesting activity we planned. The community managers reached out to doctors through personalised messages, emails and calls, asking them for their contributions. The intent was to tell doctors that their “Opinion is Valued” by the community and by us. Doctors loved the idea and many of them were on board instantly.

In no time, we started receiving videos from our community. The challenge now was to choose from the huge lot. While every video was equally important for us, we decided to select based on the quality of the content and video. After careful evaluation, our team picked 10 best videos from the lot.

Developing content for the videos

When doctors expressed interest in the activity, our community team explained the concept behind the initiative. Citing a few examples made it easy for doctors to understand the message for the video. Doctors shared a brief for their message with Docplexus and our content team penned the script for them.

For the other activity – a short documentary on a poem capturing the sentiment of doctors for Stethoscope, we had to bear in mind that a Stethoscope is something that every doctor likes to don, and there is a strong emotion attached with it. We created a poem that portrayed Stethoscope’s agony as an important tool of diagnosis but a cure.

Poem on Stethoscope Published as a Documentary 

The poem was shot as a documentary and was published on #WorldHeartDay. It fetched a great response and the community’s strong connect to the video was evident from the engagement around it.

The video was published on #WorldHeartDay. The community’s connect with the video was evident from the engagement around it.

Shooting & post-production

We decided to shoot videos for doctors based in Pune ourselves. The five-member media comprising experts in videography, photography, cinematography, editing and graphic designing along with members of the community, content writing and digital marketing teams had allotted 2 hours to shoot each video and one day for post-production.

Before the final take, our media team did a couple of dry runs and guess what? Practitioners became Perfectioners!

For practitioners in cities other than Pune, our videographers gave them a brief on call and the output was commendable.

Our video editors used their experience and finesse to tackle the problems with animations. In about 3 days, our team had created the ready-to-rollout content.

To watch the full video click here 


With the final videos in hand, the digital marketing team was tasked with taking them to as many Docplexus members as possible. The campaign copies were carefully scripted to touch the right chord with the audience, acknowledging their service to society often at the cost of their own health. Time and date are crucial factors to get the best results from any campaign. We chose to build up excitement for the actual day by publishing a one-minute video every day from September 20 onwards. The short documentary on stethoscope and the overall video were shared on our platform on #WorldHeartDay.

Email campaign for the overall video published on September 29

Email campaign for the overall video published on September 29

Dr Dhruv Rawal’s secret to a #healthyheart published on September 28

Dr Dhruv Rawal's secret to a #healthyheart published on Facebook on September 28

One minute video of Dr Jagdish Hiremath published on September 25

One minute video of Dr Jagdish Hiremath shared on Facebook on September 25

Dr. Jacqueline Simons’ mantra for a #healthyheart shared on September 27

Dr Jacqueline Simons mantra for a #healthyheart shared on Facebook on September 27

The documentary on stethoscope shared on #WorldHeartDay

The documentary on stethoscope shared on Facebook on #WorldHeartDay

#WorldHeartDay campaign shown on Docplexus News

#WorldHeartDay campaign shown on Docplexus News
Key Outcomes
The heartfelt messages from doctors to the community were well-received. Doctors felt recognized and came out to voice their suggestions for their peers to stay healthy.  The campaign reached 68,710 and engaged over 285 users. But the biggest takeaway of all was the sense of belonging to a proud community.
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Docplexus – Pharma’s Trusted Marketing Partner
Docplexus is one of the world’s largest & fastest-growing networks of verified doctors & a trusted marketing partner of pharma, medical devices, diagnostics & nutraceutical companies. We empower our industry partners to meaningfully engage with the medical community through data-driven, evidence-based marketing & brand management solutions such as infocenter (branded microsite), mindset analysis, KOL webinars, sponsored medical updates, online CMEs & more.
Team Docplexus

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