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As India marks 200 crore vaccinations, the CEO of Docplexus shares how the digital ecosystem also fueled the drive

By 20 July 2022April 24th, 2023No Comments

Despite being the second largest population in the world (1.4 billion) with nearly 70% of its vaccination centres in non-urban setups, India successfully reached the 200 crore vaccines’ milestone on 17th July 2022. The sheer numbers demonstrate the true potential of the Indian healthcare infrastructure.

On this note, our CEO – Dr. Mukesh Parmar interacted with Business Today and shared his opinions on how the rising digital ecosystem empowered the cause.

“While there is still a long way to go for complete immunization, including higher booster or precautionary shot coverage, this milestone within 18-20 months shows the true potential of scalability in our healthcare infrastructure and action planning – perhaps even setting an example for some of the developed countries. A huge amount of this has been due to our efforts on digital ecosystem empowerment. It’s a depiction of our inherent digital adaptability despite the relative lack of skills, training and infrastructure, or even literacy in many areas. We managed to cover all age groups across states.”

Dr. Parmar further added on ways through which online communities – including Docplexus (one of the largest global platforms of verified doctors) were instrumental in the reinforcement for getting the nation immunized:

“Apart from government agencies, there were private players such as online doctors’ networks and knowledge associations which helped in this mammoth exercise by sharing COVID-focused updates, relevant literature, informing people on the availability of vaccines and not the least, enlightening people on the need for vaccination.”

To reduce vaccine hesitancy in the healthcare fraternity and subsequently in the general public at large – because they look upto doctors for medical guidance, Docplexus took special initiatives during the pandemic. One of them was – CoVaccine Chronicles – a drive from the community, for the community, and with a mission to unite to fight COVID-19. Through weekly webinars advocating improved preparation to combat COVID including HCPs’ mental health, dealing with occupational hazards, treatment algorithms, latest guidelines around COVID and vaccine options, debunking myths around vaccine phobia / skepticism through positive testimonials, live statistical updates on the platform of vaccine adoption and effectiveness, and surveys to understand the community pulse on COVID (Here is a short video on one of the live survey results during initial months), CoVaccine Chronicles created immense advocacy around the entire vaccination campaign.

As a closing note, he said:

“Now, on top of the first two necessary shots or as the case maybe depending on the type of vaccine that one opted for, we now need to focus on the precautionary completely or booster doses that each one of us must take and encourage. The 100% vaccination milestone isn’t too far for us!”

The Docplexus team and community of HCPs are proud to have been able to make a difference alongside the arduous efforts of the Ministry as well as many other Government and private entities, including vaccine manufacturers for mitigating the impact of COVID-19.

Read the full coverage on business today.

Docplexus – Pharma’s Trusted Marketing Partner
Docplexus is one of the world’s largest & fastest-growing networks of verified doctors and a trusted marketing partner of pharma, medical devices, diagnostics & nutraceutical companies. We empower our industry partners to meaningfully engage with the medical community through data-driven, evidence-based marketing & brand management solutions such as infocenter (branded microsite), mindset analysis, KOL webinars, sponsored medical updates, online CMEs & more.


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