We’re excited to announce a Knowledge Partnership between Docplexus and Association of Physicians of India (API). This confluence is aimed at keeping the medical fraternity abreast with the latest happenings in their field by bridging the communication gap between the association and the physician universe.
This alliance has helped API reach 350,000+ doctors over a digital platform and disseminate important knowledge exchanged during its events like conferences, seminars, etc.
This has especially benefited doctors who weren’t able to physically attend such events due to geographical and time constraints; they now access key proceedings of these events on the API Infocenter (microsite) on Docplexus portal.
The 74th APICON which took place earlier this year was covered by Docplexus and the coverage was posted on the API Infocenter. It was widely accessed by Docplexians across 94 specialties and 1,500 towns & cities.
API Infocenter on Docplexus Portal
Apart from enabling 24/7 access to key KOL videos from its events for the community of Doctors in India and abroad, the Infocenter helps API spread awareness about new initiatives within the medical circles.
Through this partnership, API will also be able to know the pulse of a broader audience on crucial matters in medical practice, via online surveys on the portal. Docplexus also plans to conduct other offline activities with API.
Dr. K. K. Pareek elated to be associated with Docplexus
Docplexus is committed to empowering doctors and is consistently in pursuit to add value to their practice in terms of relevant information. We look forward to expanding our network by partnering with more bodies like The Association of Physicians of India in the future as well; this will surely help us enhance and enrich our community, ultimately benefiting the patients by providing better medical outcomes.
Docplexus is now a Knowledge Partner of the following 14 medical associations –
Knowledge Partnerships of Docplexus
About API
The Association of Physicians of India is a professional body of consultant physicians formed in 1944 whose members are physicians with postgraduate qualifications in different specialties. Currently, the membership of the association is 20,000 and it is increasing every year. This Association conducts various educational and professional activities for its members throughout the year.